Tuesday, September 10, 2024
When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. — Roy T. Bennett
Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters. Think about that.
You get angry. You get depressed. You worry. But never let these feelings consume your life. You owe it to yourself not to burden your soul with sorrows. You have to leave the past behind and STRIVE TOWARD HAPPINESS....
To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it, it’s over. It can hurt you no more. -...
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. - Charles Bukowski
Never judge anyone by another's opinions. We all have different sides that we show to different people. - Jacqueline Susann
I give no one the power to hurt me, but every time they try, they just make me stronger.
The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you  fight for something, the more priceless it becomes once you achieve it. The more pain you endure on your journey, the...
As we travel along this road called life, occasionally we all find ourselves a little lost. And when that happens, you just have to let go of the woulda, coulda and shoulda, buckle up and keep moving forward. -...