There's going to be very painful moments in your life that will change your entire world in a matter of minutes. These moments will change YOU. Let them make you stronger, smarter, and kinder. But don't you go and...
Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. ~ Joyce Meyer
Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful and magical person that your are. - Mandy Hale
Silence doesn't always mean yes. Sometimes it means; I'm tired of explaining to people who doesn't even care to understand. ~ Anonymous
Keep your head up; you are so much better than you believe. ~ Anonymous
I am no longer accepting things i cannot change. It is now time to change the things I cannot accept. ~ Anonymous
1. Never stop dreaming. A person without imagination can hardly find the joy of life.2. Never stop saying “I love you". It’s never too much. Tell your loved ones you love them every day.3. Never stop exploring. The world...
When you have to start compromising yourself or your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you.