If you and a fool have an argument, he succeeds. ~ African Proverbs
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. ~ Chinese Proverbs
Kindness is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear. ~ African Proverb
Paper can't wrap up a fire. ~ Chinese Proverbs
Those who wish to sing always find a song. ~ Proverb
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. ~ Chinese Proverb
A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated. ~ Proverbs 14:17
The needy won't be ignored for very long. The hopes of the poor won't vanish for long. ~ Psalm 9:18
Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work. ~ Proverbs 21:25