Happiness is when you realize your children have turned out to be good people.
So many great things are happening. It's all about what you choose to focus on. Look at all your blessings. Life is constantly giving to you.
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~ Dalai Lama
My house isn't fancy, I don't have any money, I've struggled for everything I have, but I am grateful for God's love, my loving family and true friends. ~ Anonymous
I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete. I choose self esteem, not self pity. I choose to listen...
Never forget how blessed you are. Don't be negative when you have so much to be positive about.
Dear God, i know i am not perfect. but i want to thank you for loving me anyway. ~ Anonymous
Work for a cause, not for applause. live life to express not to impress. don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ Anonymous