Unless you let them in, people who judge you cannot enter the courtroom of your mind. Case dismissed. ~ Dodinsky
Every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intent to waste any of mine. ~ Neil Armstrong
The most beautiful people are the ones that have more to offer that just their looks. ~ Anonymous
If you want to be stronger, then it's not ability that you need. It's courage. ~ Satya Hanif
Don't hate what you don't understand. ~ Anonymous
You can flap your arms all you want, but you will never fly, unless you follow your true nature, you will never rise high. ~ Anonymous
You don't need to think. You don't need to rehearse. All you need to do is be yourself. ~ Anonymous
Love must dominate your thoughts, for he who follows the star within, finds happiness within all his dealings. ~ Anonymous
You are beautiful when you are happy. ~ Oscar Wilde