Truth is not to be found outside. No teacher, No scripture can give it to you. It is inside you and if you wish to attain it, see your own company. - Osho
Faith is not believing that God can. It is knowing that God will.
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. - Paulo Coelho
Always have hope. Always have faith. No matter how bad any situation is, your miracle can be closer then you can imagine.
A wise person speaks first with his actions, second with his mouth. - Dr. Partha Nandi
Stop doing things for people when you know it's expected and not appreciated.
You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes. - John wooden
Your journey will be much lighter and easier if you don't carry your past with you.
A STRONG WOMAN knows how to keep her life in order. Even with tears in her eyes, she still manages to say "I'm okay," with a smile. - Joyce Meyer