Treat everyone with politeness even those who are rude to you not because they are not nice but because you are nice. ~ Anonymous
When you start focusing on a loving God who's given everything & stop focusing on what seems to be going wrong, you will see breakthrough. ~ Anonymous
One who is injured ought not to return the injury, for on no account can it be right to do an injustice. ~ Socrates
A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself. ~ Jim Morrison
You must face your fears and limiting beliefs head-on to develop your self-belief. ~ Richard Parkes Cordock
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens. ~ Sex And The City
No matter where we are in life, God has more in store. He never wants us to quit growing. ~ Anonymous
No matter how busy a person is, if they care they will always find time for you. ~ Anonymous
Anytime you get ready to confront something in your life, there will always be a lot of "what ifs" that the devil will put in your head. ~ Anonymous