Beauty isn't about having a pretty face, it's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul. ~ Anonymous
A promise means EVERYTHING. But once it is broken, sorry means NOTHING. ~ Unknown
Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually rejects expensive things because they can't afford them.
Without a dream we reach nothing. Without love, we feel nothing. And without God, we are nothing.
If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. ~ Jim Rohn
As long as you feel pain, you're still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you're still human. And as long as you keep trying, there's still hope. - Susan Gale
Do not educate your child to be rich. educate them to be happy, so when they grow up, they'll know the value of things, not the price. ~ Anonymous
Trust is built up over years, and destroyed in a second. ~ Anonymous
Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting. ~ Anonymous