Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. ~ Carl Jung
Control your "ANGER" because it is just one letter away from "D"ANGER. ~ Anonymous
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~ Anonymous
Out of all the toys in the world. why people choose feelings to play with...! ~ Anonymous
Sometimes, When you see a person cry, It's better not to ask why?. Sometimes, It takes only three words to make them happy again, and those three words are I am here. ~ Anonymous
The hardest choice to make is between what's right & what's easy. when you choose easy, things go wrong. & when you choose what's right, things get hard.. !! ~ Anonymous
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen. ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. ~ Stephen Covey
Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery. ~ Wayne Dyer