When going through a tough time; remind yourself that: It won't last forever. You'll overcome it. You'll become a better person. You will live a better life. Your story will inspire others.
Don't expect everyone to understand your journey. especially if they've never had to walk your path. ~ Anonymous
Before you talk, listen. It may change how you respond. Before you react, think. It may change how you do react. Before you judge, wait. It may change your views. Before you quit, try. It may be the best...
Fall in love with souls, not faces.
The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother. ~ Elaine S. Dalton
Life is too short to worry about what others think and say about you. Have fun and give them something talk about.
I don’t care about losing those do who don’t want to be in my life anymore. I have already lost people who have meant the world to me, and I’m still doing just fine.
You never know what people are going through and sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are struggling the most, so be kind, Always.
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~ Mark Twain