Worry will never take your troubles away. All it ever does is create stress and makes you unhappy. It's hard, but try to smile more and focus your mind on all the good things you're lucky enough to have...
The best things in life are free. It is important never to lose sight of that. So look around you. Wherever you see friendship, loyalty, laughter and love... there is your treasure. - Neale Donald Walsch
When a friend does something wrong - Don't forget all the things they did RIGHT. ~ Anonymous
Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to things and people that stress you out. ~ Thema Davis
Don’t judge a situation you’ve never been in.
You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal. ~ Anonymous
Be good to people. You will be remembered more for your kindness than any level of success you could possibly attain.
Please do yourself a favor. Don't lower your standards to fit in. Don't shrink who you are to make other people comfortable. Do find and surround yourself with people who like you just the way you are and encourage...
I am no longer accepting things i cannot change. It is now time to change the things I cannot accept. ~ Anonymous