Life is trying things to see if they work. ~ Ray Bradbury
Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. ~ Thomas Alva Edison
God's love is not restricted to when you think you've performed well. He loves you even when you make mistakes and fail. ~ Anonymous
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. ~ Edward Phelps
God does not want you to fail, God has placed within you or close to you, everything you need to complete your destiny. ~ Anonymous
The hardest choice to make is between what's right & what's easy. when you choose easy, things go wrong. & when you choose what's right, things get hard.. !! ~ Anonymous
Don't let a hard lesson harden your heart. ~ Anonymous
Eventually people will realize that mistakes are meant for learning not repeating. ~ Anonymous
Habit is the death of vision. ~ Earon Davis