Home Quotes Inspiring QuotesInspiring QuotesLife QuotesMotivational QuotesPositive QuotesQuotesRelationship QuotesWisdom QuotesHonesty has a power that very few people can handle. – Steven Aitchison4241 AdvertisementHonesty has a power that very few people can handle. – Steven Aitchison AdvertisementRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORIf you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. – UnknownOverthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. – UnknownOver 90% of what we worry about never happens. – UnknownMake the rest of your life the best of your life. – UnknownIf you do not try, your chance of success drops to 0.0% – UnknownIf you can control your mind you can control your life. – Unknown ADVERTISEMENTRANDOM QUOTESPeople will always notice the change in your attitude towards them... August 24, 2016Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness.... May 4, 2017In this world some people will always… ( Motivational Quotes ) July 20, 2012Love yourself so much to the point that your energy and... November 18, 2017A day without laughter is a day wasted… ( Happiness Quotes... September 7, 2012But the most beautiful things in life are not just things.... March 28, 2019When we are in love, we seem to ourselves quite different... September 21, 2020I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need... February 11, 2014Hold on to every genuine person you find. This generation has... January 8, 2017Participate in life instead of just watching it pass you by.... January 31, 2014