Home Quotes Achievement QuotesAchievement QuotesFamous QuotesGreat QuotesInspiring QuotesMotivational QuotesPositive QuotesQuotesSuccess QuotesWisdom QuotesWise QuotesNo great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. ~ Isaac Newton ( Inspiring Quotes )1141 Advertisement No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. ~ Isaac Newton AdvertisementRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORIf you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. – UnknownOverthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. – UnknownOver 90% of what we worry about never happens. – UnknownMake the rest of your life the best of your life. – UnknownIf you do not try, your chance of success drops to 0.0% – UnknownIf you can control your mind you can control your life. – Unknown ADVERTISEMENTRANDOM QUOTES7 Lessons That People Often Learn Too Late In Life July 30, 2018Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes those... April 8, 2016Thank God tears are colorless otherwise, If tears had different colors... June 2, 2018Not every Hello is a reason to smile, Not every Goodbye…... November 13, 2012Today I close the door to the past, open the door... October 18, 2016Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is BRAVE, even... October 12, 2016If you are brave to say Goodbye, life will reward… (... August 28, 2012Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will. ~... December 12, 2014Some people have to pretend you’re a bad person so they... March 10, 2020All we need is someone to be there. Not to fix... July 13, 2016