God sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to teach us. ~ Anonymous
Life is like a mirror, We get the best results when we smile at it. ~ Anonymous
Time is the coin of your life. You spend it. Do not allow others to spend it for you. ~ Carl Sandburg
Count your age by the number of memories, not by the number of years. ~ Anonymous
Never leave a true relation for few faults. Nobody is perfect, Nobody is correct and at the end, Affection is always greater than perfection. ~ Anonymous
Never let your past experiences harm your future. Your past can't be altered and your future doesn't deserve the punishment. ~ Anonymous
Remember, as long as you are breathing it's never too late to start a new beginning. ~ Anonymous
A new door cannot be opened until you have the courage to close the one behind. ~ Anonymous
A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you. It's someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself. ~ Anonymous