It is impossible to walk on the beach without making an imprint in the sand and taking some of it with us. life is very much the same. if we noticed this we might be more aware of our...
Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you. ~ Anonymous
Life is too short to have a victim mentality. say to yourself, "I am not going to be bitter, I am going to be better." ~ Anonymous
Never search your happiness in others, it will make you feel alone. search it in yourself, you will feel happy even when you are left alone. ~ Anonymous
If justice is denied, let the law of karma take the ride. nothing in this world is done without a price. ~ Anonymous
Follow your heart, because if you always trust your mind, you'll always act on logic, and logic doesn't always lead to happiness. ~ Anonymous
Peace is seeing the sunrise or a sunset and knowing who to thank. ~ Anonymous
Everything in life is temporary. so if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever, and if things are going bad, don't worry it won't last forever either. ~ Anonymous
No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. ~ Buddha