My house isn't fancy, I don't have any money, I've struggled for everything I have, but I am grateful for God's love, my loving family and true friends. ~ Anonymous
Love is the other name of respect. If you can't respect your loved one then you don't deserve to be loved. ~ Anonymous
What should not be heard by little ears should not be spoken by big mouths. Choose your words carefully in front of children. ~ Anonymous
The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them. ~ Anonymous
A lack of love is the cause for most problems in life, when love is missing, nothing can flourish, only pain thrives. ~ Leon Brown
Everybody should have a place where they feel absolutely safe. ~ Anonymous
You can't be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the best for the one who deserves you. ~ Anonymous
Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing. ~ Anonymous
To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your Heart. ~ Anonymous